Hier meine Konfigurationsdatei von einem AudioCodes MP114 FXS VoIP-Analog Gateway an einer OpenScape Business V2.
MP114 FXS IP: Gateway IP: OpenScape Business IP: SIP Nebenstelle 234, 235 SIP Passwort: muss über das WBM neu gesetzt werden!
Inhalt: ;************** ;** Ini File ** ;************** ;Board: MP-114 FXS ;Board Type: 56 ;Serial Number: 9691812 ;Slot Number: 1 ;Software Version: 6.60A.309.001 ;DSP Software Version: 204IM=> 660.14 ;Board IP Address: ;Board Subnet Mask: ;Board Default Gateway: ;Ram size: 32M Flash size: 8M ;Num of DSP Cores: 1 Num DSP Channels: 4 ;Profile: NONE ;License Key limits aren't active full features capabilities are available !; ;---------------------------------------------- [SYSTEM Params] SyslogServerIP = ;VpFileLastUpdateTime is hidden but has non-default value [BSP Params] PCMLawSelect = 3 ExtBootPReqEnable = 1 RoutingTableHopsCountColumn = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 [Analog Params] PolarityReversalType = 1 MinFlashHookTime = 100 FXSCountryCoefficients = 66 [ControlProtocols Params] [MGCP Params] [MEGACO Params] EP_Num_0 = 0 EP_Num_1 = 1 EP_Num_2 = 1 EP_Num_3 = 0 EP_Num_4 = 0 [Voice Engine Params] CallProgressTonesFilename = 'call_progress_germany.dat' FaxTransportMode = 0 V22ModemTransportType = 0 V23ModemTransportType = 0 V32ModemTransportType = 0 V34ModemTransportType = 0 FaxRelayMaxRate = 3 RFC2833TxPayloadType = 101 [WEB Params] LogoWidth = '145' HTTPSCipherString = 'RC4:EXP' [SIP Params] MAXDIGITS = 16 ISPROXYUSED = 1 ISREGISTERNEEDED = 1 GWDEBUGLEVEL = 5 ;ISPRACKREQUIRED is hidden but has non-default value ENABLEEARLYMEDIA = 1 SIPSESSIONEXPIRES = 1800 REGISTRARIP = '' SIPGATEWAYNAME = '' ;SHOULDREGISTER is hidden but has non-default value ISFAXUSED = 2 GWREGISTRATIONNAME = '' REGISTRARNAME = '' REGISTRARTRANSPORTTYPE = 0 MSLDAPPRIMARYKEY = 'telephoneNumber' [IPsec Params] [SNMP Params] [ InterfaceTable ] FORMAT InterfaceTable_Index = InterfaceTable_ApplicationTypes, InterfaceTable_InterfaceMode, InterfaceTable_IPAddress, InterfaceTable_PrefixLength, InterfaceTable_Gateway, InterfaceTable_VlanID, InterfaceTable_InterfaceName, InterfaceTable_PrimaryDNSServerIPAddress, InterfaceTable_SecondaryDNSServerIPAddress; InterfaceTable 0 = 6, 10,, 24,, 1, "O+M+C",,; [ \InterfaceTable ] [ DspTemplates ] ; ; *** TABLE DspTemplates *** ; This table contains hidden elements and will not be exposed. ; This table exists on board and will be saved during restarts. ; [ \DspTemplates ] [ PREFIX ] FORMAT PREFIX_Index = PREFIX_DestinationPrefix, PREFIX_DestAddress, PREFIX_SourcePrefix, PREFIX_ProfileId, PREFIX_MeteringCode, PREFIX_DestPort, PREFIX_SrcIPGroupID, PREFIX_DestHostPrefix, PREFIX_DestIPGroupID, PREFIX_SrcHostPrefix, PREFIX_TransportType, PREFIX_SrcTrunkGroupID, PREFIX_DestSRD, PREFIX_CostGroup, PREFIX_ForkingGroup, PREFIX_CallSetupRulesSetId; PREFIX 0 = "*", "", "*", 0, 255, 5060, -1, "", -1, "", 0, -1, -1, , -1, -1; [ \PREFIX ] [ TrunkGroup ] FORMAT TrunkGroup_Index = TrunkGroup_TrunkGroupNum, TrunkGroup_FirstTrunkId, TrunkGroup_FirstBChannel, TrunkGroup_LastBChannel, TrunkGroup_FirstPhoneNumber, TrunkGroup_ProfileId, TrunkGroup_LastTrunkId, TrunkGroup_Module; TrunkGroup 0 = 0, 255, 1, 1, "234", 234, 255, 255; TrunkGroup 1 = 0, 255, 2, 2, "235", 235, 255, 255; [ \TrunkGroup ] [ ProxyIp ] FORMAT ProxyIp_Index = ProxyIp_IpAddress, ProxyIp_TransportType, ProxyIp_ProxySetId; ProxyIp 0 = "", 0, 0; [ \ProxyIp ] [ TxDtmfOption ] FORMAT TxDtmfOption_Index = TxDtmfOption_Type; TxDtmfOption 0 = 4; [ \TxDtmfOption ] [ IpProfile ] FORMAT IpProfile_Index = IpProfile_ProfileName, IpProfile_IpPreference, IpProfile_CodersGroupID, IpProfile_IsFaxUsed, IpProfile_JitterBufMinDelay, IpProfile_JitterBufOptFactor, IpProfile_IPDiffServ, IpProfile_SigIPDiffServ, IpProfile_SCE, IpProfile_RTPRedundancyDepth, IpProfile_RemoteBaseUDPPort, IpProfile_CNGmode, IpProfile_VxxTransportType, IpProfile_NSEMode, IpProfile_IsDTMFUsed, IpProfile_PlayRBTone2IP, IpProfile_EnableEarlyMedia, IpProfile_ProgressIndicator2IP, IpProfile_EnableEchoCanceller, IpProfile_CopyDest2RedirectNumber, IpProfile_MediaSecurityBehaviour, IpProfile_CallLimit, IpProfile_DisconnectOnBrokenConnection, IpProfile_FirstTxDtmfOption, IpProfile_SecondTxDtmfOption, IpProfile_RxDTMFOption, IpProfile_EnableHold, IpProfile_InputGain, IpProfile_VoiceVolume, IpProfile_AddIEInSetup, IpProfile_SBCExtensionCodersGroupID, IpProfile_MediaIPVersionPreference, IpProfile_TranscodingMode, IpProfile_SBCAllowedCodersGroupID, IpProfile_SBCAllowedCodersMode, IpProfile_SBCMediaSecurityBehaviour, IpProfile_SBCRFC2833Behavior, IpProfile_SBCAlternativeDTMFMethod, IpProfile_SBCAssertIdentity, IpProfile_AMDSensitivityParameterSuit, IpProfile_AMDSensitivityLevel, IpProfile_AMDMaxGreetingTime, IpProfile_AMDMaxPostSilenceGreetingTime, IpProfile_SBCDiversionMode, IpProfile_SBCHistoryInfoMode, IpProfile_EnableQSIGTunneling, IpProfile_SBCFaxCodersGroupID, IpProfile_SBCFaxBehavior, IpProfile_SBCFaxOfferMode, IpProfile_SBCFaxAnswerMode, IpProfile_SbcPrackMode, IpProfile_SBCSessionExpiresMode, IpProfile_SBCRemoteUpdateSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteReinviteSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteDelayedOfferSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteReferBehavior, IpProfile_SBCRemote3xxBehavior, IpProfile_SBCRemoteMultiple18xSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaResponseType, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaSupport, IpProfile_EnableSymmetricMKI, IpProfile_MKISize, IpProfile_SBCEnforceMKISize, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaRTP, IpProfile_SBCRemoteSupportsRFC3960, IpProfile_SBCRemoteCanPlayRingback, IpProfile_EnableEarly183, IpProfile_EarlyAnswerTimeout, IpProfile_SBC2833DTMFPayloadType, IpProfile_SBCUserRegistrationTime, IpProfile_ResetSRTPStateUponRekey, IpProfile_AmdMode, IpProfile_SBCReliableHeldToneSource, IpProfile_SBCPlayHeldTone, IpProfile_SBCRemoteHoldFormat, IpProfile_GenerateSRTPKeys; IpProfile 1 = "", 1, 0, 1, 10, 10, 46, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 4, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, "", -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 300, 400, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0; [ \IpProfile ] [ EnableCallerId ] FORMAT EnableCallerId_Index = EnableCallerId_IsEnabled, EnableCallerId_Port, EnableCallerId_PortType; EnableCallerId 0 = 1, 1, "FXS"; EnableCallerId 1 = 1, 2, "FXS"; [ \EnableCallerId ] [ CallerDisplayInfo ] FORMAT CallerDisplayInfo_Index = CallerDisplayInfo_DisplayString, CallerDisplayInfo_IsCidRestricted, CallerDisplayInfo_Port, CallerDisplayInfo_PortType; CallerDisplayInfo 0 = "234", 0, 1, "FXS"; CallerDisplayInfo 1 = "235", 0, 2, "FXS"; [ \CallerDisplayInfo ] [ Authentication ] FORMAT Authentication_Index = Authentication_UserId, Authentication_UserPassword, Authentication_Port, Authentication_PortType; Authentication 0 = "234", *, 1, "FXS"; Authentication 1 = "235", *, 2, "FXS"; [ \Authentication ] [ ProxySet ] FORMAT ProxySet_Index = ProxySet_EnableProxyKeepAlive, ProxySet_ProxyKeepAliveTime, ProxySet_ProxyLoadBalancingMethod, ProxySet_IsProxyHotSwap, ProxySet_SRD, ProxySet_ClassificationInput, ProxySet_ProxyRedundancyMode, ProxySet_KeepAliveFailureResp; ProxySet 0 = 0, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, ""; [ \ProxySet ] [ CodersGroup0 ] FORMAT CodersGroup0_Index = CodersGroup0_Name, CodersGroup0_pTime, CodersGroup0_rate, CodersGroup0_PayloadType, CodersGroup0_Sce; CodersGroup0 0 = "g711Alaw64k", 20, 255, -1, 0; [ \CodersGroup0 ] [ RoutingRuleGroups ] FORMAT RoutingRuleGroups_Index = RoutingRuleGroups_LCREnable, RoutingRuleGroups_LCRAverageCallLength, RoutingRuleGroups_LCRDefaultCost; RoutingRuleGroups 0 = 0, 1, 1; [ \RoutingRuleGroups ] [ ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ] FORMAT ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Index = ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Name, ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Ip2TelInterworking; ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 1 = "dsn", 1; ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 2 = "dod", 1; ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 3 = "drsn", 1; ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 5 = "uc", 1; ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 7 = "cuc", 1; [ \ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ]